Saturday, November 15, 2008


Hewoo everyone =)

Yes, I am here again to update my poor lil blog whenever I give myself a big break time...Oh well, its been few days back since I last updated and yes, I am still very VERY BUSY over my final presentation which all the works are still progressing SLOW!!!

Sigh...Been kinda worried these days and as usual, me being awake at wee hours like this, I just can't stop thinking over the time I left in KL =( 12 more days to go till my final yet I am not happy about finishing all this so soon!!! Why??? Well, i guess the answer is pretty simple :

Final presentation = Finished 5 years Degree course = Packing + Leaving KL = Missing my babes = SAD BABYNEY!!!

As much as I need to control my feeling lately about not crying over the farewell for myself, I am gonna define here my very own words of friendship...Perhaps heres the dedication to you all who I call you my friend =) *hugs*


'A friend in need is friend in deed' - the ever famous friendship quote that means 'someone who needs your help becomes friendly in order to obtain it'...Many times in life, friendship does not mean only a big thing BUT its actually a million or billion small little things that one others had done or gave to you...Well, things a such doesn't always have to cost multi-million dollars or plucking the stars kind of shit to touch your heart or show his or her care for you in defining your friendship with the other person BUT most likely it is the heart and efforts they had put through in lending you a hand or just being there for you to cry on the shoulder that would pretty much meant a lot for what friendship are for...

Okay, it may seems kinda confused now and how do I define a friendship then?
Well, personally I think - A friend, the single soul that dwells in two bodies who often and so frequently comes into you when the whole world has gone out, is one of the nicest things you can have and not to live without in your entire life...True friends are those who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked; laughs at your jokes when they're not even funny at all; sympathizes with your problems when they're actually not so bad; tells you certain things that you don't want to tell yourself and most importantly they accepts you as who you are yet helping you indirectly to be who you should be and do what you should be doing...At times, I always think that friendship mean everything in my life and I am appreciating every single bits of it because, to me, yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end and somewhere in the middle we need friends as our guide to sail the rickety boat safely across the dangerous waters of life...Sometimes some people come into our lives and so quickly he or she goes but some decided to stay for a while yet ended up leaving footprints all over our hearts and we felt never ever the same again after that...Well, you know you have a good friend when there is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future and basically the key to sanity in this totally insane world...
Then and again, life being life - as cruel or tough as it may be, as sweet or loving as it may sound...We human needs friends to live through the years we have and honestly asking yourself : Can you actually live without them???

No, I CAN'T...Seriously, I am thinking of how am I going to suffer when I finally pack up and leaves KL soon...Well, I guess theres always a farew
ell for everything and 5 years living in KL, I've met tonnes of friends *you know who you are* and you guys had really changed my life from bad to the better...Hugs

Anyhow, here a lil shout out to my babe...Heres for you sweetie :
If you're alone, I'll be on the net waiting to talk to you...
If you want to cry, I'll always lend you my shoulder *this have to be done over webcam ady*
If you want a big tight tight hug, remember that you always have the dadah as me...
If you need to be happy, remember the Hippo and the Dog song I once made you smile...
But anytime you need a listener to listen to your crap, I promise I'll just be me, the BabyNey =)
Many things to be done, many outings just the both of us...We gonna do this one by one and Ney-lub-Tine *xoxo*

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Putrajaya trip

Its a beautiful Monday...Its a bright bright sunny day =)

Wheee *Happy mode on - snatched camera - hop into the car - speed off*

Had a road trip with my TineTine babe to our Malaysia ever famous *cough* new intelligent city of the Putrajaya today...Actualy we were there just to teman HuiYing, another classmate of mine to get some floor plans for her Disseartation project next year, which she had already made an appointment with the council of Putrajaya Holdings that is located at the Perbadanan Putrajaya Complex...
Perbadanan Putrajaya Complex - the Malaysian's version of very nice LOFT building which the council itself had won several awards for the special office design and landscaping...Looking at and speaking of the architecture and landscaping itself, I think the country shall input more of these high quality working environment instead of just plotting it at targeted tourists visiting spots like KLCC park and of course a small bit of the Putrajaya / Cyberjaya town...
While waiting for HuiYing to finish off the business with the council, me and my babe just went around the small lil sunken garden situated in between the complex blocks and started our cam-whore session like nobody's business =P Okay okay, now heres the prove of what I meant...

Take one : our 'professional shoot'Take two : my close up...
Take three : me with the flowers

Sick and tired of seeing the vain me yet?

If not, please proceed to the next coming shots...If yes, please click here and you will regret it later =P

For those who decided to continue...Heres the continuation...

Take four : Palace of Justice, the opposite building
Chup!!!Anyone spotted something funny in the picture?

No??? Seriously, TAKE A CLOSER LOOK!!!

Hmm...Okla, I give you a close up snap shot of what I see...There you go...
*BUAT KERJA! in english means DOING WORK!*
So, now everyone knows why people go Putrajaya for and please don't you dare blaming those workers who work in the Palace of Justice if says you call and asked for some information but they never pick up your call or they might just give you a reply : 'SAYA TENGAH BUAT KERJA!!!'

ROFLMAO~ Seriously, I think this could be voted as the funniest slogan ever!!! Gosh, who on earth uses their own tag line as BUAT KERJA??? Jeez!!! Learn how to use your words right, our beloved Malaysia government...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Does age matter in a relationship

Okay, let me clarify this first before putting this as one of the Neyism theory!!!
FYI : Neyism is my own theory of perceiving things or rather you call it my principle for life...No offend to others mindset and so does I don't mind you guys adding your beloved comments onto it =) Please don't be shy and do feel free to drop down what you think and I promise that I won't tembak or hard feeling with any of your kind information...

So, shall we sta
rt discussing about this issue as I am so into the mood to crap about this like NOW???Hmm...Lets see :

Does AGE really matter in a relationship?

Well, I do know that some of you guys out there who might be now or had experienced dating a younger guy / girl or an older man / woman...But I bet there is always this particular question that bothers you before you even get hooked on to someone, which in this case, I guess I shall refer it as what we called the get-to-know-each-other-state that concern of the AGE GAP...
Cameron Diaz & Justin Timberlake (9 years gap) -EX LOVER NOW

From time to time, we do wonder whether is age such a factor in relationships? When does younger than me become too young for me and why is an age gap such a difficult thing to bridge? Well, there are many things someone can try to give themselves a better chance of successful date but what if it was all in vain, as apparently, your too young from day one? And why is it always okay for older men to be with younger women YET older women with younger men is frowned upon socially?

Recently, or rather all these while, I kinda keep thinking about this problem as I always have doubt in dating someone younger than me...Saying about years is a definite but MONTHS too!!! Wth but yeah, I am THAT pain-in-the-ass particular about age matter in a relationship cause I know somehow somewhat I will just can't deal with any of their immature thinking and to my opinion, guys are always like 5 to 10 years late in the maturing process (Oh well, I am not saying it physically but I meant it MENTALLY, you pervert)
Asthon Kutcher & Demi Moore (15 years gap) -STILL LOVING

So when you think age is a not a problem for yourself, look at some of the objections you might heard from friends or family like "You cant be with him, he's far too old for you and yada yada yada..." An age gap has seems to be an extremely popular reason for break ups BUT WHY??? And what hope is there for you if you really fall for someone who might be just too old or indeed too young for you? Sad to say it out loud but society is always the answer as its quite traditional for an older man to be with the younger woman but its never been socially accepted for a younger man to date an older woman. AGREE?

Like if for myself, I always found it very enjoying when I have the company of an older and more sophisticated man with better life experiences who might had just lived a little more harder than those silly young immatured guys who do nothing but just mere gaming or partying their entire life out...The comparison between these two categories of men can be seen once they speak out their mind...
Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones (25 years gap) - STILL MARRIED

However, the issues are still often to be as diverse as they may come : the older individual in the relationship may feel the need to 'protect' the younger one; thus, feeling wiser than their partner is and this will somehow cause frustration later on both sides. They may feel as though they're not fully connected to their partner because they are lack of understanding towards how the other feels and in bed, they may not have the stamina that their younger partner possesses (Ahem, its a FACT okay!!!)

Well, it is to be said that age is not something that can be changed or caught up with but what I do know can be changed is people's opinions and beliefs. It might not be traditional, by why cant a man and a woman who love each other be together because of what others may think??? Thats a real life pain-in-the-ass fact for any relationship that any of us should start learning to accept it from now on...

Thank you *clap hands la...Do'oh*

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A story to tell

This is gonna be my short updates...Busy days still on but I just can't help myself doing this...

Ok now, I am going to tell you a story about what happened recently...
That goes on and then the next day...No solutions made but I still kept trying to talk over and definitely keep hoping that everything is gonna be alright...And then...
The moment sucks big time and I just can't help myself not thinking of the things we said we gonna do together after final...Now things are so bad in shape and I really really tawar hati and see no hope in those coming day outings anymore...

Anyway, I've bought you something and I am waiting here patiently for the time to pass it to you though I wished to just messaged you about all this but no...I know its not gonna be the same feeling of excitement anymore and here I don't wished to hear that coming from you...
To be claimed by its owner

I really hope to just mend things right for the old times sake...I am sorry *hugs*