Sunday, March 8, 2009

New start for March

After so long of being jobless and some unbelievable account of interview sessions that come along with a very pathetic drama at here if you haven't heard of it yet or had totally missed out what I had gone through these 2 months...I am proud to announce that I've FINALLY got myself A JOB!!! Yes, I am talking about A JOB here, not the B Job, C Job or D Job, mind your very 'uncultured' mind can? Hehehe...

So...Getting all psyched up and now can I have your cooperation with me and lets gather around and shout out loud the following line of excitement???





*Who wants to volunteer on some pom-pom dance please?*

Hehehe...YAY!!! No more jobless, no more feeling worthless and useless staying at home doing nothing anymore...I'm glad to finally promoted myself from 'land-measuring-officer' (aka jobless interior design's graduate who stays home and measuring their own house punya land...LOL!!!) to a real JUNIOR INTERIOR DESIGNER!!!
PhuaChuKang's newly hired staff aka PhuaAhNey *ROFLMAO*

Muahahaha...Don't get jealous of me cause I'm not earning much still and nope, its not in SGD =( BUT its already good enough to get 'promoted' even its like during the shity economy downturn now =P Hehehe...NOW I believe good things do come after all yea *wink*

Hugs people...Stay tuned for more updates yea =)

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